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Secure Database Lab Engine

To make your work with DBLab Engine UI / API / CLI and clones secure, install and configure Envoy proxy with a SSL certicate.


Before you begin, you will need your Organization key and Project name provided by the platform. Obtain these by registering on the platform. Detailed instructions are available here.

Configuring a secure DBLab engine​

1. DNS configuration​

Update the DNS A record for your public domain to resolve to the public IP address of the DBLab Engine server. Note that DNS changes may take some time to propagate.

2. Proxy installation​

Run the following command to install the Envoy proxy and obtain a Let's Encrypt SSL certificate. Replace the placeholders with your actual server details:

docker run --rm -it \
-v $HOME/.ssh:/root/.ssh:ro \
-e ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS="-F none" \
postgresai/dle-se-ansible:v1.4 \
ansible-playbook software.yml --tags proxy --extra-vars \
"dblab_host='user@server-ip-address' \
proxy_install='true' \
certbot_domain='' \
certbot_admin_email='[email protected]' \
platform_org_key='YOUR_ORG_KEY' \

Replace user@server-ip-address with the actual username and IP address for your server, with your domain.

Accessing the DBLab Engine and clones​

DBLab Engine UI/API/CLI​

Connect securely over HTTPS on port 443, such as

DBLab database clones​

Access database clones by appending +3000 to the original connection port. For example, for a clone originally on port 6000, you would use port 9000. This mapping ensures that connections to clones are routed correctly through the proxy:

PGPASSWORD=secret_password psql \
" port=9000 user=dblab_user dbname=test sslmode=require"

Adjust the port numbers accordingly for other clones, following the pattern original_port+3000 (e.g., 6001->9001, 6002->9002, etc.).