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DB Migration Checker configuration reference


DB Migration Checker is a component of Database Lab Engine (DLE). Its behavior is controlled using a separate configuration YAML file. This reference describes available configuration options.

Example config files can be found here:

It is possible to store configuration files where it is more convenient. The recommended location of configuration files for DB Migration Checker is ~/.dblab/ci_checker/configs.


Make sure that the file name is ci_checker.yml and its directory is mounted to /home/dblab/configs inside the DB Migration Checker container.

The list of configuration sections​

Here is how the configuration file is structured:

appDB Migration Checker API server
dleDatabase Lab Engine API integration Platform integration (provides GUI, advanced features such as user management, user access)
sourceSource code extraction
runnerHow execution of DB migrations is organized

Section app: DB Migration Checker API server​

  • host (string, optional, default: "") - the host to which the DB Migration Checker server accepts HTTP connections
  • port (string, required) - HTTP server port
  • verificationToken (string, required) - token that is used to work with DB Migration Checker API
  • debug - allows seeing more in the Database Lab Engine logs; WARNING: in this mode, sensitive data (such as passwords) can be printed to logs

Section dle: Database Lab Engine API integration​

  • url (string, required) - the URL to which the Database Lab server receives HTTP requests
  • verificationToken (string, required) - the token that is used to work with Database Lab API

Section platform: Platform integration​

  • url (string, optional, default: "") - Platform API URL
  • accessToken (string, required) - the token for authorization in Platform API. This token can be obtained in the Console
  • enablePersonalTokens (boolean, optional, default: false) - enables authorization with personal tokens of the organization's members

Section source: Source code extraction​

  • type (string, optional, default: "github") - Git platform where the source code is located (e.g., GitHub)
  • token (string, required) - access token for getting source code from the version control system

Section runner: How execution of DB migrations is organized​

  • image (string, required) - Docker image containing tools for executing database migration commands. For example, postgresai/migration-tools:sqitch